Strengthening the Body Against Strain
Our goal at 4tfi Physio, Nundah is to assist in decreasing pain, improving movement, and strengthening the body in an attempt to prevent recurrence.
Welcome to 4tfi Physio
Rehabilitation & Physiotherapy in Nundah, Queensland
4tfi Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation is a Brisbane based Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Clinic. It’s lead Physiotherapist has more than a decade of experience in providing services for the treatment of Musculoskeletal aches, sprains and post-surgical rehabilitation. Other services include Western Style Accupuncture and injury prevention. 4tfi Physio’s goal is to strengthen the body against strain and assist with self management.
Lead Physiotherapist
Founder & head physiotherapist William Ingledew’s experience includes:
- Masters Degree in Physiotherapy
- BSc Degree – Sport & Exercise Science
- Australian Strength & Conditioning Coach Certification
- Broad knowledge of work place injuries and their management
- Professional medical contacts to assist with injury recovery
- Western Style Accupuncture
- Pro/Semi-professional football playing career in Australia and overseas